Family Reunion at The Mayfield

Recently, three generations of one family were reunited at the Mayfield Care Home by a strange set of events.
Audrey, unable to live at home on her own anymore, moved into The Mayfield in June 2023, just after it opened. Saddened by her loss of independence and feelings of isolation, morale had a major boost when one of the carers at The Mayfield, Elizabeth, introduced herself and turned out to be Audrey’s niece!
Elizabeth is the daughter of Audrey’s younger brother, George, who died when she was tiny. Over time Elizabeth had lost touch with her dad’s family.
At The Mayfield, Audrey and Elizabeth have become great pals and over time Elizabeth is getting to know more and more about her roots and just how large that side of her family is! Now, they regularly go out for meals, walks and ice cream, amongst other things.
Audrey’s half cousin, Maureen, had previously met Audrey’s daughter, Jane, after listening to a talk given by Jane’s husband on one sunny afternoon.
Maureen has a cousin called Marlene and they have been very close all their lives.
So, a family gathering was arranged over lunch at The Mayfield for Audrey, Jane, Elizabeth, Maureen and Marlene. Lunch was served, photos and stories were shared, and new family connections were made. Maureen brought a fruit cake she had made using a recipe handed down to her from Audrey’s mother.
Moving to the Mayfield has turned out to be a very positive experience, not just for Audrey, whose world has expanded at a time of life when isolation can become an issue, but for her close and extended family too, who regularly come to visit.