The Mayfield Care Home Whitby

Little Rainbows Nursery Visit

Little Rainbows Nursery visit to Mayfield Care home

We were very lucky to have a visit from Little Rainbows Nursery and there was lots of singing, dancing, chatting, reading stories, and just generally having a good time. Our residents absolutely loved it and the children had a lot of fun too. This is part of Little Rainbows Nursery’s curriculum enrichment opportunities and is a wonderful way of bringing the community together.

Visits by children to care homes can create a mutually beneficial and heartwarming experience for all involved. They promote intergenerational understanding, emotional growth, and social well-being, benefiting both children and residents. These interactions foster a sense of community and can lead to lasting, meaningful relationships.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Little Rainbows Nursery again!


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