The Mayfield Care Home Whitby

Action-packed week at The Mayfield

We had lots going on at The Mayfield this week.

Whitby music legend Steve Maltby came in for his first singalong with us. We had a brilliant time, with Steve, our residents, and team belting out classics such as Let’s All Go Down the Strand, I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside, and Waltzing Matilda. It was such a success that Steve will now be coming in for regular singalongs with us!

Our garden continues to improve and we’re very grateful to our residents for all their help this week! We had a highly successful trip to the garden centre and bought lots of different coloured begonias which we then enjoyed planting. Many of our residents have been gardening for a long time and we love to help them carry on this much-loved past-time. It’s such an enjoyable activity with many physical and mental benefits.

On Friday evening, some of our residents and team had a lovely tea at Sneaton Castle. The two residents in the photo below are heading home soon after spending time with us having respite care. We’ve loved having them with us and this was a wonderful little celebration. Sneaton Castle is a stunning place and we’re lucky to have it right next door – we look forward to visiting again soon!

The Mayfield Care Home in Whitby is now open and welcoming new residents for short- and long-term placements. If you or a loved one are interested in coming to live with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly team is always happy to help – please call us on 01947 280 888.

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